Guidelines for Authors


Guidelines for Authors

Please send your abstracts by March 15, 2024. 

Based on the abstract, the works will be reviewed and qualified by the Scientific Committee for oral or poster presentation in the appropriate section of the meeting. 

The author will be notified by email about the form of the presentation by email. 

How to prepare a summary? 

1. The languages are English and Polish. 

2. The abstract cannot contain tabulation marks or the end of a paragraph, and should not include tables, charts, figures, photographs or lists of references. It should be no more than 2000 characters long. 

3. The text of the summary should be written in a uniform font without distinctions such as bold, underlined, CAPITALS, or CAPS. 

The summary must contain the following data: 

• Surnames and names of authors 

• Title of the study, 

• Academic degrees of authors; names of institutions, cities, and countries.

• Keywords (3 to 5 keywords),

• Text (up to 250 words, or about 2000 characters) divided into the following parts: introduction (containing the purpose of the work), material and methods, results, and conclusions


Poster presentation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla eu gravida massa, sodales finibus tortor. Aliquam quis ornare diam. Morbi fringilla mattis est quis ullamcorper. Quisque vitae dictum dolor. Fusce ac dictum lorem, sit amet posuere ex. Ut ultricies, quam quis sollicitudin fringilla, neque tortor malesuada augue, eget volutpat dui tellus sit amet metus.


Competition "Best Oral Presentation of Students"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla eu gravida massa, sodales finibus tortor. Aliquam quis ornare diam. Morbi fringilla mattis est quis ullamcorper. Quisque vitae dictum dolor. Fusce ac dictum lorem, sit amet posuere ex. Ut ultricies, quam quis sollicitudin fringilla, neque tortor malesuada augue, eget volutpat dui tellus sit amet metus.


Competition "The best poster presentation of students"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla eu gravida massa, sodales finibus tortor. Aliquam quis ornare diam. Morbi fringilla mattis est quis ullamcorper. Quisque vitae dictum dolor. Fusce ac dictum lorem, sit amet posuere ex. Ut ultricies, quam quis sollicitudin fringilla, neque tortor malesuada augue, eget volutpat dui tellus sit amet metus.

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